Joline & Robin

Your exclusive destination wedding planner in Florence

Your exclusive destination wedding planner in Florence, based here, 100% Italian with infinite passion and creativity. That’s me when it comes to love, couples, promises and work!

“There is a time and place for being in the limelight.”

An exclusive destination wedding planner in Florence should always know when it is her turn. I am more of that kind who plays behind the scene. Stage freight does not belong to me. As a singer I feel comfortable with a microphone or on stage, but I think that on events like this I must stay discreet, ready to interact and get the attention when it is needed.

What happens when the couple is shy and would rather avoid being the center of attention?

Then, the destination wedding planner must leave them space and make sure that guests won’t put any pressure on the couple and even create a diversion aka give them opportunities to have fun, feel the couple’s theme and presence without getting too much into personal details.

You have no clue what I am talking about?

Let’s have a word and I will reveal to you some of my secrets! For an exclusive elegant wedding in Italy you need someone who has done that before! Follow me on instagram to find out more about me and my previous dreamy weddings in Tuscany!

I believe that an Italian luxury wedding planner should be defined by her good manners, charming style and natural elegance. For this reason, do not forget to read some of my latest reviews!

From the ceremony of Joline & Robin:

Eine alte Legend erzählt, dass es da zwei Menschen gab, die überaus glücklich miteinander lebten. Sie waren zufrieden, mit dem was sie hatten und miteinander teilten. Ihre Liebe wuchs durch die Jahre ihres Zusammenlebens. Nichts und niemand konnte diese Liebe zerstören.

Eines Tages lasen sie in einem alten Buch, dass es da irgendwo, in weiter Ferne, vielleicht am Ende der Welt, einen Ort gäbe, wo unermessliches Glück herrsche. Ein Ort sollte dies sein, so sagte das alte Buch, an dem der Himmel die Erde küsst. Die beiden beschlossen, diesen Ort zu suchen…

Photo Credit Matteo Cuzzola in partnership with WeddingItaly