Are you looking for a wedding planner at Iseo lake?
Read through this article to know if I can be the right wedding planner at Iseo lake. Even if I am based in Florence, the hours drive have never discouraged me and I do love the lake’s atmosphere.
The wedding of Johanna & Georg was one of a kind starting from the venue itself at Iseo lake where I had never been before. I found so charming, the special ceremony in German and the many funny things we said. This couple gave me the opportunity to know them quite well and capture the spirit of their relationship. During our talk and through the questionnaire I sent them they did not spare themselves.
The choice of the wedding location can also be very inspiring for me as it tells a lot about the couple and it always offers the chance to tell more about my beautiful country.
Whether you are interested in art or not, you may be surprised of how interesting it can be to tell your guests a story about a place hundreds years old. The secret is to choose the right elements, speak the right tone and wanting to pass on the passion!
“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”
In order not to interfere with the beautiful view, we placed tha table for the final signatures aside and took a moment for this before their final kiss. It was nice and different to see them seated while signing the symbolic wedding certificate.
They also asked me to move the famous question at the very end, right before the kiss like a “crescendo”, which from there I have done for all my following ceremonies as it is exactly the way I would like to do my own ceremony!
Are you still looking for a wedding planner Iseo lake? Don’t be shy and get in touch with me for your magical whimsical wedding ceremony at the lake area!

Photo Credit Fabijan Vuksic, Wonderlustevents