Who is the best wedding planner in Florence?
If you ask Google who is the best wedding planner in Florence, the first results are for sure all the right answers, but if you ended up here, too, I am the right alternative! I will let my words and works speak for me so you can judge yourself.
This vintage wedding in Florence, for example, has been one of the most touching experiences I have had. Their story as a couple is so intense and exciting. Their both figures and manners, so inspiring, reflected all their charm and feelings for each other. How beautiful it is when you meet a couple so connected and respectful.
I am lucky that they chose Florence, the city I am so proud of. To be a wedding planner based in Florence, my own city, is never boring and can actually be very challenging for me.
“Everything about Florence seems to be colored with a mild violet, like diluted wine.”
I am fond of location scouting and always take a chance to vist new places, meet new people, and know more about their stories. If they have something to tell, I am eager to listen and spread the word.
Florence is a small city but also the surroundings can be spectacular. The gentle sloping Florentine hills can boast of secluded historical villas as well as giant renovated farmhouses, overlooking the city and never before seen panorama!
Even if most of them are private and cannot be rented for an event, I like the idea that I can suggest you a tour or a different local experience off the beaten track. So if you are still wondering “Who is the best wedding planner in Florence?”…
…Contact me at Framille Weddings to know how I can successfully plan your wedding in one of the most beautiful city in the world!
From the ceremony script for Vanessa & Eric:
“Den bisherigen Höhepunkt dieser gemeinsamen Reise von Vanessa und Eric erleben wir nun alle zusammen heute hier, wo die beiden den Bund der Ehe schließen, ihr gemeinsames Glück besiegeln und sich gegenseitig versprechen, füreinander da zu sein, in guten wie in schlechten Zeiten.
Ihr teilt etwas Seltenes und Schönes. Ihr wurdet zusammen geboren, doch lasset Raum zwischen eurem Beieinandersein, und lasset Wind und Himmel tanzen zwischen euch.”
Credits Celebrant and wedding planner Framille Weddings in partnership with WeddingItaly